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How to tell the difference between Cold and Flu

20 Apr

Flu and cold are both very mainly gifts brought to us by winter. While the season itself is amazing, the illnesses aren’t very pleasant. Both affect millions of people every year and are very disruptive when it comes to our daily routine and physical wellbeing.

But usually, people confuse the difference between a mild cold and a full blown flu. And we’re going to discuss that exact difference in this article.

Respiratory Diseases:

Both cold and flu are respiratory diseases which is why they’re often confused with each other. However, while a cold can usually last longer, its symptoms and results are usually milder than a flu, where your fever can escalate very high if not administered on time.


If you’ve caught a flu, it’ll usually result in symptoms such as fever, sore throat, runny nose, cold, body aches, fatigue and headaches. And these symptoms might develop and get more serious within a matter of hours. While in a cold, your symptoms might slightly remain the same, but they can take days to develop, and that too if the cold isn’t administered within a couple of days.

Prevention and Cure?

Because both the illnesses are mostly related to the weather, the prevention vastly depends on your food intake and activities during the relevant season. But because these are contagious ailments, we strongly suggest taking a break from work and a lot of rest, as well as a doctor’s consultancy to help cure the illness quicker.

Going through Cold or Flu?

You can visit us at JK Medical Clinics and get your cold or flu checked by expert individuals. Book your appointment today to meet us or visit us any day for your prognosis.

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